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Pumped for the Holidays: Christmas Questionnaire

15 December 2013

I feel like I'm on a roll here with all these linky parties that I am participating in for the holidays!  This "seasonal survey" to get to know my fellow teacher bloggers out there is super great!  Michelle at Fabulous in First has inspired me to do a New Year's linky (so be on the look out -- I don't want to spoil the fun!)

Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog?
I tried Egg Nog last year for the first time and I really didn't like it at all, so I'd have to say definitely hot chocolate with lots and lots of marshmallows!

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree?
When I was little we celebrated both Hanukkah & Christmas! (double the presents)  I did believe that all presents came from Santa until I got a little older and then believed that he just delivered them for my parents.  Sometimes for my husband I write "Love Santa" on the card like my dad used to do for me.

Colored lights or white?
Depends.  One year I really wanted to make a Hanukkah tree but that didn't end up happening so I settled for white lights and I really like how clean they look on the tree, plus it makes all the ornaments stand out more!

When do you decorate?
A few days after Thanksgiving my husband and I will pack up our Fall decorations and pull our Christmas ones out to start decorating.  Usually it begins with changing the hand towels in the bathroom.  #dogchristmastowels

Real or Fake Tree?
I've never had a fake tree so REAL for sure!  I love the smell of the tree, though this year, our tree is not as nice as the ones we've had in the past.  #homedepot

What Tops your Tree?
I really don't like stars on top of the tree (I'm not sure why).  So it has been a tradition in my family (and now with my husband) to put my childhood toy on top of the tree.  His name is Snowman but we call him Shnowman because when I was little that is what I called him.  He is the main character in my favorite Christmas movie The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions?

Ever since my husband was little, his family tradition was for each family member to get one new ornament a year and write their name and year on the bottom.  So now at 26 years old he has one for each year (plus all the bulbs and some family ones they got together).  We've been together since 2003 so I have 10 in this collection and it continues to grow.  This year we got a "Our First Christmas as Mr. & Mrs. one!)

Do you remember your favorite gift as a child?
I remember a lot of the gifts I got but I don't recall which was my favorite.  Probably the Snowman!

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

What is your favorite Christmas song?
All I Want For Christmas

Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum?
Yum, but we stopped putting them on our Christmas trees because nobody can ever eat that many of them.  They are really good in hot chocolate though!

Favorite Christmas Movie?
The Snowman -- it is a picture book video with no words!

Do you shop online or at stores?
Both.  Most people don't like to shop on Black Friday but it has been a tradition with my husband since we started dating.  Other than Black Friday shopping, I do the rest of my shopping online.

Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card?
Photo Card!  This is the one my hubby and I sent out this year.  The back has a QR code on it!  #techie



  1. Sarah,
    I love the Christmas card…adorbs!
    Read With Me ABC

    1. Thanks Wendy! I knew this year I wanted something special that would last. I love that we can hang it on our tree!

  2. I haven't heard of putting a toy on top of your tree, but I love that idea. We are giving our daughter a new ornament each year, too. She should have a nice collection when she leaves home. She loves to open them up each year.

    Happy Holidays!

    Michelle @ Teach123

  3. Stopping by from the linky party! I just got linked up today. Yay for dog lovers!!! I love your cute snowman! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Come by my blog for the party when you get a chance!
    Many Blessings,
